FUTUR.SHOCK- Season Four, Chapter Two “TRUE STORIES” 
Music, Art David Conde Music, Art David Conde

FUTUR.SHOCK- Season Four, Chapter Two “TRUE STORIES” 

10.10.2024 / 19:00 - 00:00 


Chapter Two “ TRUE STORIES”

Chapter two continues our collaborative focused season by inviting two hybrid curatorial platforms; Czech based PAF and London based A—Z. 

At the core of Futur.Shock is collaboration and community building. These local and international partnerships drive us, progressing our commitment to presenting cutting-edge contemporary art, music, and performance-based practices. PAF is an international platform for moving image, animation and contemporary art, based in Czech Republic. Their main event is the annual PAF Olomouc – Festival of Film Animation and Contemporary Art. A—Z is an exploratory/nomadic curatorial platform founded by Anne Duffau, who is a cultural producer and researcher. A---Z aims at opening up to audiences by sharing discursive practices in order to challenge preconceived ideas on race, gender identities and the so-called history in terms of power relationships.

Tickets available on the link below.

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