DETECT - Teecra

This week’s DETECT comes from one of our own. @teecra opened our UNFOLD XL edition four weeks ago from our Second Room, and we bring you this today.

Teecra’s presence is most visible at UNFOLD either at the entrance or the floor, yet she also plays a big part helping behind the scenes, from our communications to our marketing.

Years of organising house and drum & bass raves in North London gradually introduced her to techno, and these influences are still felt today in the bouncy, positivity exerted by the music she plays.

Her own drive in life comes from a desire to demonstrate that trans people come in many forms - that there is no one way to be trans.

For her UNFOLD XL opening set Teecra initially delves into trance, dub and percussion, before ramping up the energy and exploring the many varied grooves of techno. This DETECT can now be heard on our FOLD SoundCloud.




DETECT - Klaudia Gawlas